The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki

This Wiki will contain spoilers for Fast Food Masquerade- read at your own risk.


The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki
"That's right Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today."
―Bubble at the beginning of the pilot.

Bubble is a secondary character in Glitch Productions' indie animated series The Amazing Digital Circus, voiced by series creator Gooseworx. Like his owner Caine, he is an artificial intelligence[1] taking the form of a living bubble that seems both subservient and friendly to Caine, living inside his hat until called upon. He can be popped and returned into Caine's top hat.


Bubble, as his name suggests, is a large, round bubble with sharp teeth constantly displaying a vacant expression. Being a bubble, most of his body is shiny and semi-transparent. His eyes are black dots. When it is necessary, Bubble can form a long, reddish-silver tongue. When his mouth is closed, his teeth are still faintly outlined. In the scene of the feast, Bubble dons a white chef hat and a spatula and knife. His pupils are capable of enlarging.


Bubble is an oddball that doesn't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed. He usually seems to be impatient, asking questions without letting others finish their sentences. He seems pretty laid-back and is often found being popped by Caine. He likes to eat this thing called "Angel Food Cake" and is trying to quit "smoking" (as in smoking bubbles.)


"PILOT" (Episode 1)[]

Bubble first appears in the episode "PILOT" in the theme song. He is Caine's assistant, as shown when Pomni vomits on the floor and Bubble starts to clean it up with his tongue, much to Caine's disgust. A few moments later, Caine holds out an angel food cake for Pomni, in which Bubble consumes it. In return, Caine calls Bubble a parasite and then pops him. He is then seen again when Caine is explaining "Gather the Gloinks!" where he frequently interrupts Caine until he pops him again. Later in the episode, he is seen with Caine at a restaurant and cooks the digital meal at the end.

"Candy Carrier Chaos!" (Episode 2)[]

While Caine is describing the adventure in the Candy Canyon Kingdom, Bubble is seen floating next to Caine, and also serves as his assistant, by revealing a bottle of Maple Syrup enclosed within his mouth which he reveals as part of the explanation. Upon hearing the information he claims that it "Sounds Sticky!", to which Caine replies "Very sticky indeed!". And proceeds to say that it "Sounds [CENSORED]", leaving watchers and the rest of the inhabitants of the Circus Members to wonder what Bubble said. Following that Caine comments that Bubble cannot say whatever they said, leaving viewers to wonder how egregious Bubble's profanity was. After Caine sends the Circus Inhabitants to the Candy Canyon Kingdom, Bubble floats down to float with Caine while Caine smokes from a Tobacco Pipe that produces Bubbles, refusing the offer to use it himself by saying "No thanks, I'm trying to quit."

"The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor" (Episode 3)[]

After Caine explains the new adventure to the crew, Bubble begins to speak in reverse. Once reversed, Bubble's quote was revealed as "I can't wait for all the children in the audience to get horrible nightmares from the monster!”. Later, when Caine is trying to get Zooble on his adventures, he tries to hide that his feelings are hurt by claiming Bubble's feelings would be hurt instead. Once the crew were finished with their adventure, Bubble can be seen with Caine's top hat floating next to him, who is currently gaining a therapy session from Zooble.

"Fast Food Masquerade" (Episode 4)[]

When Caine rips of the Suggestion Box, it creates a leak of water, so he has Bubble clog it with his tongue. Eventually, Bubble stops and has a drink.


  2. Candy Carrier Chaos!
  3. The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor
  4. Fast Food Masquerade



  • He is voiced by Gooseworx, the creator of The Amazing Digital Circus, who had also voiced Moon.
  • Both Bubble and Kinger's "Meet the Gang!" teasers are connected.
  • According to Gooseworx on Tumblr, when Bubble is popped, he feels no pain. In fact, it feels really really good.[2] Gooseworx also claims that "you don't wanna know" where Bubble goes when popped[3].
  • Bubble is the only character who has received a character teaser but is not a performer, does not have a dedicated room, and is an assistant of Caine.
  • According to Gooseworx on Tumblr, when presented with it, Bubble would drink a bottle of L'Oréal Kids Strawberry Smoothie Shampoo.[4] It has also been stated that Caine would possibly do this as well.[4]
  • Bubble seems to be a combination between two Mario enemies, a Chain Chomp and a Boo.
  • He had a bubble smoking addiction and is still trying to quit.
  • Bubble is the only character that has sworn and been censored with a normal bleep rather than Caine's built in one.
    • He's also the first (and currently only) AI that swore.

Other language VAs[]

Language Voice Actor Localized name Localized name translation
Arabic فخر الدين رجب (Fakhruldeen Rajab) بابل
Dutch Sky Aurealis Bubbel
Filipino Janeane Santos-Roco Bubble Bubbles
French Anna Lauzeray Gishi Bubble -
German Marion Czech Bubble Bubble
Hindi Saudamini Anjaria Bubble -
Hungarian Nikolett Hack Bubi Jack
Indonesian Lis Kurniasih Bubble -
Japanese 玖珂諒多 (Ryota Kuga) バブル
Polish Miron „Mor3-0n” Hukała Bąbel Bubble
Portuguese (Brazil) Angélica Santos Bolha Bubble
Russian Иван Шухин (Ivan Shukhin) Пузырёк
Spanish (Latin America) Ignacio El. Ortuondo Bubble -
Thai ธนภัทร ฝ่ายจิตรชอบ (Thanaphat Faijitchob) บับเบิ้ล
Turkish Melike Öztürk (Pilot), Miray Özdönmez (Episode 2) Bubble -
Ukrainian Максим Соловйов (Maksym Solovyov) Булька



  1. "AI like Bubble" -gooseworx, 10/13/2023, Tumblr (accessed 2024-03-05)
  2. "It actually feels really really good." -gooseworx, 9/11/2023, Tumblr (accessed 2024-03-05)
  3. "You don't wanna know..." -gooseworx, 10/15/2023, Tumblr (accessed 2024-03-05)
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Bubble for sure, and maybe Caine" -gooseworx, 7/24/2023, Tumblr (accessed 2024-03-05)