The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki

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The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki
"Hello, Caine. I love you."

This is a list of minor characters in The Amazing Digital Circus. This list includes minor or unnamed characters that play no significant role in the main series.

Abstracted characters[]

The hallway that leads to each performer's room also has doors with multiple other performers that are crossed out. Presumably, these belong to several other performers that have long since abstracted, with the X mark placed on their icon to show that they have been abstracted and are "out of service." The names of most of these performers have yet to be revealed.

Among the crossed-out performers shown are:

  • Queenie, a black "queen" chess piece with a red robe, and Kinger's wife. Her name was confirmed on Tumblr by Gooseworx.[1]
  • A yellow dog whose name is implied to be "Dobby" on the WackyWatch website. [2]
  • A green and orange worm on a string toy.
  • A pink fluffy cyclops monster.
  • A round jester-like creature with polka-dot clothes.
  • A sockpuppet resembling a blue mouse with a pink stripe, blue inner ears, and wearing a red flower.
    • The icon for this performer was actually briefly visible in the teaser, about 8 months before the pilot was released.
  • A yellow Clown Rabbit-like creature with a large blue neck ruff and a dour expression on their face.
  • A dark creature with what appear to be yellow facial features and wearing a blue conical hat (much like a cartoon wizard), although the motion blur in the shot that their door appears in makes it unclear.
  • A light green creature. It is too hard to make out any details due to motion blur.
  • A purple dinosaur-like creature with multicolored spikes.


From the canon show[]

These are NPCs that have appeared in the show.

Image Name/Appearance Bio/Description
NPCS Mannequins
  • Found on the doors of the circus halls, in the restaurant, and on the other side of one of the doors Pomni opened.
  • Incapable of speech, although imitates talking anyway.
  • They appear to have their own rooms in the circus, but it is thought that their rooms are blank slates for when new humans like Pomni enter the digital realm.
  • Appears in the Pilot.
Barrel Monkeys Transparent Barrel Monkeys
  • Found within the barrel while Pomni was being chased.
  • One was destroyed by the abstracted Kaufmo.
  • Are based off the toys of the same name.
  • Appears in the Pilot.
Jeffery Render Jeffery[3]
Cookie Butterfly
Cookie Butterfly
  • Princess Loolilalu's guards.
  • Take form of multicolored mannequins.
  • Appears in Candy Carrier Chaos.
N/A Gummigoo's mother
  • Mentioned multiple times in Candy Carrier Chaos.
Gummi Worms
Gummy Worms
  • Are seen in the chocolate moat outside of the Candy Canyon Kingdom.
  • Appears in Candy Carrier Chaos.
N/A Fly
  • Appears in The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor.
  • Distracts Pomni and Kinger by making noises, causing the nearby Angel to attack them.
  • Can't be seen well due to the room being dark, but is mentioned.
TMOMM30070 Souls
  • Appears in The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor.
  • Color and silhouette looks similar to Ghostly.
  • Possesses Pomni's body while she is in Hell.
  • Later exorcised from Pomni by Kinger.
Al Paccino Padl Albert Spudsy

Background Characters[]

Image Name Bio/Description
TADC Sun Sun
  • The Sun is female.
  • Personification of Day in the Circus.
  • Jealous of the Moon because she speaks more than her.
TADC Moon Moon
  • According to Caine, the Moon is "frisky" towards him.
  • The Moon is female.
  • Personification of Night in the Circus.
Better Dr Football Dr. Football[4]
  • Gender is unknown.
  • Isn't a licensed doctor and has nothing to do with football.[5]
  • The only mannequin seen in the Circus Hub so far.

Production Comics[]

Image Name/Appearance Bio/Description
The Bone Pastor Render 2 The Bone Pastor The Bone Pastor is a joke character who appears in the production comics for The Amazing Digital Circus,

He's Pomni's brother-in-law, and he lost his arm in the divorce between Caine and Pomni's mother.

Pomni'sMotherMention Pomni's Mother Pomni's Mother is a character slightly mentioned in the production comics for The Amazing Digital Circus.

GLITCH/Gooseworx social media posts[]

Image Name/Appearance Bio/Description
Paine Paine
  • A dubious character who is likely not canon that is stated to be related to Caine.
  • He lacks all head features except for a large nose and a large pair of ears.


Unidentifiable possible humans or entities that have been abstracted that reside in the Cellar.

If the crossed-out doors are to be accounted for, then there are at least 10 of them residing within the Cellar.


  • According to Gooseworx on Twitter, the mannequin in the bathtub is named "Dr. Football",[4] and they are not a qualified doctor, nor do they even know what football is.[5]
  • Queenie & Dobby are the only crossed-out performers so far to have a confirmed name.[1]
  • On Gooseworx's Tumblr, when asked who absracted before Kaufmo, she answers with a character named Ribbit. This is either an actual performer or a joke.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gooseworx. (2023, October 21). Tumblr. All I'll permit myself to say is that her name is Queenie.
  2. "Dobby Dog" option on the Spudsy's Menu
  3. Digital Circus Trailer: Behind the Scenes - Part 2 - #digitalcircus by @TemmerTunes, YouTube, timestamp 18s
  4. 4.0 4.1 Gooseworx. (2023, October 19). X (Formerly Twitter). This is Dr. Football
  5. 5.0 5.1 Gooseworx. (2023, October 19). X (Formerly Twitter). Here's a fun little FACTOID