The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki

This Wiki will contain spoilers for Fast Food Masquerade- read at your own risk.


The Amazing Digital Circus Wiki
"I'm not a child, you don't have to hype me up."
―Pomni, response after Ragatha tells they're already friends with Princess Loolilalu

Pomni is the main protagonist of Glitch Productions' indie animated web series The Amazing Digital Circus. She is voiced by Lizzie Freeman and made her first appearance in the pilot episode. Taking the form of a cartoon jester while trapped inside the Digital Circus with five other victims, she is the most recent human to enter after putting on a headset.


Pomni is a stylized humanoid character, with a large head and small, slim limbs. She has completely white skin, with small markings imitating blush underneath her eyes, and black eyelids and thick lines around her eyes that may represent eyeliner. Her pupil formation appears to change frequently. It is most often appears as a red and blue pinwheel imprint, but when she feels heightened anxiety or fear, her pupils are replaced with animated scribbles. She has asymmetrical eyelashes, with her left eye having eyelashes on the top eyelid and her right eye having eyelashes on the bottom. She has short, straight medium black hair (which often appears brown due to lighting)[5], with two small nuggets poking out from under her hat and two locks of hair formulating the flanks of her body.

Her ensemble resembles that of a jester, rather than that of a circus clown like Kaufmo. She wears a red and blue jumpsuit with round, poofy sleeves, and shorts. The torso part of the jumpsuit features dual colors in a mirrored/reverse design for the front and back, with blue (right) and red (left), and vice versa respectively, with her sleeves and shorts being striped. She has additional yellow accents, being a pair of spheres on her front torso (which could resemble pom-poms or buttons), cuffs/bands around her sleeves, upper thighs/waist, and shorts, and a shirt collar, implying an undershirt. On her head, she wears a matching striped, two-armed jester's hat, with a yellow brim and small, yellow bells on the tips of the hat's elbows, which all of us never see separated from her head. She also wears gloves, with the left one being blue, and the right being red. Inverse to this, her left shoe is red, and her right shoe is blue—both pairs having the same yellow accents as the ones on her clothing.


Initially, Pomni has a high-strung, shy, and tense demeanor. In the pilot episode, she is shown to be extremely anxious and troubled regarding her predicament, even succumbing to denial and exhibiting signs of delusion. When she finds the "exit", she experiences moderate signs of paranoia and seems to believe she is hallucinating. She's also on the clumsy side, as she tends to accidentally bump into things and people.

In her initial appearance, Pomni is shown to have a degree of both empathy and selfishness, as she goes back to check on Ragatha after the latter was attacked by an abstracted Kaufmo and promises Ragatha that she'd find Caine to fix her. However, Pomni's desire to escape the digital circus overrode this, as she entered the exit door upon finding it and left Ragatha behind. She later felt remorse for this action once Ragatha was fixed by Caine.

After having somewhat come to terms with her circumstances, Pomni adopts a more apathetic and cynical view, pointing out discrepancies in the Circus's scenarios and being detached from the adventures, not seeing the point in following along. She also seems to be more hot-tempered as she yells at the gang (specifically Jax) for their plans leaving her in mortal peril. Despite this, Pomni seems rather compassionate as she comforts and bonds with Gummigoo during his existential crisis, encouraging him by telling him he still has purpose and even inviting him to follow her back to the Circus. Overtime Pomni grew closer to the others after seeing how much they cared for each other during Kaufmo's funeral, and after receiving sound advice from Kinger (who temporarily regained his sanity), she thanked Ragatha for always being considerate to her and apologized for not showing appreciation until that moment.

Later in episode 4, she seems to have adapted more to being in the circus. She sees Gummigoo again and doesn't breakdown, she enters normal conversations with people like Jax, and shows concern for Gangle, asking if anyone could help her with her issues. She even offers to stay behind to close the restaurant when she sees that Gangle is sad.


"PILOT" (Episode 1)

During the introduction of the show, a female jester suddenly appears in the Circus and disrupts the song (and also breaks Gangle's comedy mask by accident). It's quickly revealed she was once a human from Earth (implied to be wearing a headset the entire time when she gets transported). However, she is informed by the other characters that she wasn't the first, as the other characters were also from Earth before teleporting to the Circus and is also reassured that she will get used to her new home and body.

Still fearful, confused, and desiring to leave, Caine starts introducing the jester to The Tent where everyone lives, The Grounds for adventures outside of the tent, and the "mysterious" Void (which Caine advises her to not venture to) by teleportation. The jester notices an exit door, but Caine changes the subject to her name (he brushes it off as a "digital hallucination"). After the jester becomes disoriented again because of forgetting her name, Caine shows some powers limit and decides to give her a new name, that being Pomni. Caine declares a brand-new in-house adventure, to help Pomni get used to the place, that being to gather the Gloinks infested in The Tent, small critters that stick to anything they bump into.

Not long after the adventure starts, Zooble decides to quit it early but gets disjointed and captured by the Gloinks. Back to the rest of the members, Ragatha suggests going check on Kaufmo with Pomni since he is unaware of the newbie's appearance, however, Kinger reports him going insane, rambling about some form of exit like Pomni. Jax proclaims that he, Ragatha, and Pomni should go check with Kaufmo while Kinger and Gangle help save Zooble, which concerns Ragatha a bit.

Ragatha introduces Pomni to their dormitory & quarters where they sleep, but since they aren't human, they don't need human essentials to live on, and talks about how if a character goes insane then "something really terrible" will happen to them, which traumatizes Pomni. They reach Kaufmo's room, and after an aggressive exchange between Ragatha and Jax, they open the door to see Kaufmo now horribly disfigured into a monstrous black mass creature with rainbow eyes (the "something real bad" Ragatha mentioned), who damages Ragatha to the point of her glitching up, Kaufmo then chases after Pomni while Jax runs away with a bowling ball. The monster then crashes through the railings and chases a Gloink next, allowing Pomni to talk with Ragatha. They conclude that only Caine can help them. She goes off to find him, opening a bunch of doors leading to random and surreal-looking rooms while avoiding monster Kaufmo, before finding the exit door which is generated out of thin air.

She enters the door only to find herself trapped in an almost realistic-looking office labyrinth that she gets lost in, a place that is oddly out of place from the more colorful environment she finds herself in. The exit door then disappears out of thin air. The scene cuts back to the nest, the Gloink Queen expresses her plans to turn anything and everything into all Gloinks like herself and the rest of her nest when Kaufmo crashes down and begins attacking the Gloink Queen, releasing Zooble and allowing the other characters to leave. Pomni meanwhile still tries to find the end of this labyrinth, coming across an old computer along with a rusted-out VR headset before going through a door with the logo of a company called "C&A" marked above (presumably the company that developed the game or warping technology). She is then led to the Void and falls into a state of trance by it.

Caine and Bubble are in a restaurant when Caine sees on his Wacky Watch that someone is now in the void and rushes to take Pomni back to the tent. He then realizes that Kaufmo became abstracted and casually drops him through a custom-made hole that leads him to "The Cellar", a place where those abstracted ended up. Caine then reverts Ragatha's glitched state back to normal. He apologizes for lying about the exit door and that he wasn't capable of thinking about what to put on the other side of it, he warns the group that the Void could be disastrous for them. As a reward for finishing their adventure, Bubbles has made them a feast to feel more like they're at home. Pomni, still in awe and disbelief from today, tries to keep her cool as she is about to lose her sanity while at the dinner table with the rest.

"Candy Carrier Chaos!" (Episode 2)

At the beginning of the episode, Pomni has a nightmare in which she starts showing signs of abstraction. She then falls into the Cellar as Caine, Ragatha, and Jax look on, expressing dismissive disapproval, before waking up. She wakes up in a panic before clipping onto an ABC block that causes her to be catapulted across her bedroom.

Ragatha checks up on Pomni and tries to be supportive on her adventure to the Candy Canyon Kingdom, but Pomni is still in a sour mood as she concludes that the rest of her life is going to be LARPing. The seemingly Medieval Princess Loolilalu provides the humans a Mad-Max style war rig (which confuses Pomni) to track down Gummigoo's bandit gang and take back a maple syrup tanker that they stole.

The two factions quickly encounter each other, and a high-speed battle ensues. Jax tosses Pomni at the bandits, causing her to get stuck on their truck (Max attempts but fails to capture Pomni due to his tiny arms). Kinger tries to throw objects at Pomni to assist her, but when he throws an anchor that's attached to the war rig it results in a collision between the two vehicles. Pomni and Gummigoo end up getting wedged underneath a cliffside, causing both to clip and fall into the Test Level.

Gummigoo has a near mental breakdown after finding his test model, but Pomni tries to explain to him that he is an NPC. Gummigoo realizes that being an NPC means that his past is fake and that his existence is meaningless. Pomni comforts him by offering to bring him back to The Circus so that he can live a more meaningful life and because she wants him as a friend. Gummigoo calms down and the two manage to use the block glitch to drive the test copy of the syrup truck back to the Kingdom (with the truck falling onto The Fudge's head, temporarily knocking him out).

Pomni informs the other humans of her intentions to bring Gummigoo back to The Circus. However, when he enters The Circus, Caine immediately causes him to explode into confetti with a snap of his fingers. Pomni is distraught over this, until Ragatha asks Pomni to attend Kaufmo's funeral. During the funeral, Pomni sees that the other humans (with the exception of Jax who refused to attend) do care deeply about each other. Remembering her nightmare, she envisions that her new friends will support her, even in the worst of times and the jester made a small yet hopeful smile.

"The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor" (Episode 3)

The episode starts with Pomni hanging out with the rest of the cast, holding her breath for a prolonged period of time. After exhaling the breath she was holding, she asks why it is that she's even doing this. To which Jax explains that everyone has a different reaction to holding their breath. Ragatha's hair sticks up into the air, Gangle's mask starts spinning, and Kinger begins to glow. Once more attempting to hold her breath, it's revealed that Pomni's reaction to holding her breath for long enough is that her face begins to change color.

Soon enough, Caine shows up, asking what they were all doing before introducing their next adventure. "The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor", centering around a haunted house that they all must explore through, once everyone (except for Zooble) enters through the portal to their next adventure, Pomni expresses her dislike towards horror, this being shown to us when she is startled by Ghostly so badly that her eyes fall out of her head cartoon-style. Kinger attempts to help her get them back in while Caine's voice as well as Ghostly explain how there are two paths that they can go down. The "Pacifist Route" and the "Mature Route". Jax, wanting to test the validity of such, grabs Gangle's comedy mask and throws it down the mature route, revealing a monstrous mouth as the route's true entrance.

Kinger, in an attempt to grab the mask, jumps through the door, accidentally pulling Pomni with him due to still having a hold of one of her eyes. Now trapped in the "Mature Route", Pomni and Kinger must work together, listening to audio tapes created by a man named Baron Theodore Mildenhall that speak of a monster who's been haunting his life.

Managing to find a key to a nearby elevator after scavenging through the various drawers, the lights end up going out, leaving both Pomni and Kinger in complete darkness. Listening to more of Mildenhall's tapes, the beast who had been chasing them eventually reveals itself, beginning to chase them. Pomni attempts to escape while Kinger, being drawn to the monster's eldritch appearance, has to be pulled away and snapped out of it by the jester before he ends up being consumed by the skin of their teeth. Using the key she acquired earlier, the two get into the elevator, but instead of going up as they expected, ends up leading them further down into the manor.

Now trapped in an even lower level of the manor, Pomni and Kinger find another tape created by Mildenhall, revealing that he had shot his wife in a fit of insanity, Pomni and Kinger discover Mildenhall's corpse, sitting there with a gun hanging loosely off it. Realizing the value it could serve them in slaying the beast, Pomni anxiously retrieves the gun before handing it to Kinger. Upon the beast entering the area, Kinger manages to shoot both its head and its body, saving both him and Pomni from being killed.

However, to the shock of both Pomni and Kinger, the tape playing Mildenhall's audio reveals that the beast was actually an angel and then killing it meant that they would be dragged down to hell. Hands emerge from the floor, dragging the both of them down below even further into the manor.

Now trapped in hell, Pomni has had just about enough, attempting to run through it as quickly as possible to escape despite Kinger's warnings. Being possessed by one of the spirits trapped down there, Pomni begins to contort, face growing horrifying and limbs twisting in unnatural directions. Kinger immediately gets on the offensive, attacking the spirit and managing to boot it out of Pomni's head.

Pomni, now in a state of incredible distress, begins to have a breakdown, Kinger suggesting that they take a moment to pause. Pomni begins to vent about her time in the circus, stating that she hates the adventures she has been forced to go on and the emotional turmoil it has caused her to cry. Kinger responds sympathetically, apologizing for the fact that he inadvertently causes them to be trapped down this route. Pomni takes note of this, pointing out how Kinger has been acting differently lately. Kinger acknowledges this, revealing that the dark allows him to think more clearly. From there he explains how he used to have a wife(Presumed to be Queenie, a female, black queen chess piece) who ended up abstracting, stating that the two ended up in Kinger's pillow fort together and that the darkness seemed to calm her down enough for him to touch her before she was sent away into the cellar, Pomni expresses shock at the revelation that Kinger even had a wife, rhetorically asking if he really did have on in the circus, to which Kinger confirms.

Kinger then tells Pomni how important it is to keep the good memories she has close to her and that it's important to be thankful towards others and to make sure they feel wanted, causing Pomni to start thinking about her treatment of Ragatha over the past few days she's been at the circus.

From there, Kinger has a revelation, recalling the previous tape and how the spirits are only able to possess you if you're breathing. He suggests that maybe they could get through if they don't breathe. Pomni responds by stating that she is not very good at holding her breath, calling back to the beginning of the episode, Kinger suggests trying not to think about it. Pomni stutters for a moment before lamenting how the moment they leave, Kinger will go back to his usual crazy ways and forget any of this ever happened, Kinger responds by saying how as long as she remembers, that's all that matters.

From there, Kinger offers out his hand, which Pomni takes and together, the two of them walk through hell, holding their breaths. Once more calling back to the beginning of the episode, Kinger begins to glow, just as Jax stated, serving as a shining light as the two walked through the area together.

Escaping hell and making it back to the top of the mansion, Pomni and Kinger meet up with Ragatha, Jax, and Gangle. Ragatha asks if they're doing okay and if their adventure was scary, to which Pomni affirms that she was fine. Seeing Jax's bound state, Pomni asks what happened, to which Ragatha just tells her not to worry about it. Kinger, returning to his forgetful state, says that Pomni was very brave, before beginning to question himself, asking the jester girl if she was, Pomni responds by saying it was something like that.

Approaching Ragatha and getting her attention, Pomni thanks her for always being concerned about her and that she feels she hasn't been appreciative enough about it. Ragatha, showing clear surprise, thanks her, saying that everyone really cares about her (eliciting an eyeroll from Jax).

Having completed the adventure, Pomni, Kinger, Jax, Gangle, and Ragatha, all return to the circus, being greeted by Caine. Pomni watches Kinger crawl back into his pillow fort, Jax, having been released from his bonds, asks her what it was like being stuck with him, clearly expecting the jester to lament how horrible it was. Yet Pomni would respond by saying that it wasn't that bad. This causes Jax to roll his eyes, then he walks off leaving a contented Pomni alone to with new understanding.

"Fast Food Masquerade" (Episode 4)

Pomni first arrives in this episode as she walked into Zooble's room along with Jax and Ragatha, where Zooble was handing out Gangle a new mask. Jax mocks Zooble about "giving their parts away", to which Zooble snaps that they are not giving anything to him. Jax then jokes to Pomni that she is "never gettin' that unicorn horn", to which Pomni questions when she said anything about that. Gangle, wearing her new mask, compliments that Pomni would "look good with one", to Pomni was about to agree until they were all interrupted by the arrival of Caine.

Caine announced the new adventure, "The Curse of the Violent Psychopath Butcher", another horror adventure. While instructing about the adventure, Pomni interrupts him and asks him if they can "chill with the horror" as she doesn't "want this to be like last time". Zooble asks if she was talking about the adventure made for them earlier, and Pomni recounts the horrifying experiences at the Mildenhall Manor, making Zooble frustrated and Caine telling them to pick out a new adventure. With Zooble's advice, Caine started to look through the suggestion box, and finally came up with an adventure where the cast works at a fast-food restaurant (as suggested by Gangle). Caine approves this adventure at Spudsy's Restaurant, with Gangle as the shift manager.

At the resutaurant, Pomni takes the role of the cashier. She is encountered by the first customer, a blue NPC who speaks with a distorted voice. Ragatha said that the NPC was Orbsman, an NPC from a previous adventure before Pomni arrived in the circus. Orbsman gives Pomni order through his distorted voice, which Pomni understands and places the order.

Pomni is then encountered by a rude NPC, who calls her a "little jester" and orders a "Stupid Burger". The NPC tells Pomni to make sure the "stupid sauce" is added to the burger this time as the last time she ordered the sauce wasn't there. Pomni gets confused about the order but places it nevertheless.

Pomni is then encountered by her old friend Gummigoo and his friends, whose memory had been restored due to Caine deleting him back in the second episode. She gets excited to see Gummigoo, stuttering and talking nonsense. Pomni tries to stalk Gummigoo, only for him to catch her, and she said she "wanted to say hi". Gummigoo tells her "Hi" back and asks if they know each other, much to Pomni getting upset. She was then interrupted by Gangle, who tells she "needed her at the register" and to "stop weirding the customers out". Pomni replies about Gummigoo and whether the job can't wait a bit, as the adventure isn't real. Gangle sarcastically replies that the next Pomni might say is "her authority isn't real". Pomni gives her plain look which said that she indeed did think Gangle's authority isn't real, causing Gangle to crack. She later told Pomni to remove the breakfast menu as it's lunchtime.

At lunchtime, Pomni was dealing with a bunch of NPCs, including one refusing to order because he already had a bowl of cereal with him, when they were all eaten by the Gloink Queen, who ordered 300 cheeseburgers for her and her Gloinks. Pomni suddenly notices Gummigoo and his friends leaving and asks the Gloink Queen to give her a second. She goes to Gummigoo and thanks him for eating at Spudsy's. Gummigoo bids her farewell, leaving her upset. After Gloink Queen and her Gloinks leave at dinnertime, Pomni starts muttering about "more info on Gloink information than she ever needed to know". After a while, Jax, who was getting tired of his job, nicely asks Pomni how she was doing, much to her surprise and replying she's "doing fine". Gangle then calls Jax to wash the dishes and he departs saying "Later, Pomni".

While Pomni was taking out the trash, Gangle appears in the backyard, takes off her normal mask and screams due to her cracking under the pressure. Pomni asks if she was okay and if the mask is not making her happy. Pomni suggests her to talk to someone about her issues, especially Ragatha, to which Gangle replies that she loves Ragatha but after a while it gets hard to tell how genuine Ragatha's actually being. Pomni wanted to talk more, but Gangle put back on her normal mask and tells her that they can't spend all night talking about their feelings, and they've got work to do.

At the almost end of the shift, Gangle gets extremely depressed under pressure and was on the brink of losing her mind. Pomni, who was still in the restaurant despite everyone already left, told Gangle that she can close the restaurant for her, and that Gangle can leave and got back to the circus if she wants, telling her that she doesn't "have to be stuck here alone." Gangle leaves the restaurant, and Pomni remains behind, commenting "What a weird day".

Later, Pomni is seen on one of the post-it notes Caine made, with her crawling towards Gummigoo. Which is seen when Caine is giving Gangle her final score at his office.

At the end of the episode, she was seen hanging out with her fellow circus mates.

Powers and Abilities

  • Digital physiology: Pomni is one of the trapped humans inside the digital world with her consciousness piloting a digital avatar. Because of this, she can perform abilities that are outside of the general range of normal human capabilities.
    • Absolute Immortality: Because there is no conceivable way to die within the digital world and the fact that Caine cannot control the minds of those who are trapped within, there is currently no way that any of the human characters can or will die. With the closest alternative being "Abstraction". However, this may change in the future.
      • Self-Sustenance: Pomni along with the other humans in the show do not need to eat, sleep, or drink. However, they can still do these actions if they choose.
    • Invulnerability: Nothing in the digital world can cause life long lasting damage to any individual in the amazing digital circus. With Pomni surviving multiple scenarios that would certainly kill any normal human and recovering from them with no marks and/or scaring.
    • Rubber Body: Pomni's body can stretch and warp to impossible standards, with the most extreme case being when Jax threw her off of their semi-truck to make a "Bridge" between them and the Bandits truck.
  • Music Composure: Pomni is capable of composing songs to her liking without assistance.[6]
  • Color-Changing: In the first few minutes of "The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor", we see the gang watch Pomni trying to hold her breath, doing it because Jax "wanted to see what her funny cartoon body does", and that "something different happens with each person" (i.e. Ragatha's hair sticks up). When Pomni holds her breath for long periods, her face changes color. First blue, then pink, then red, then orange, then yellow, and finally green. It goes back to blue but goes a bit faster.




  • The name Pomni can be translated in a variety of ways that may relate to Pomni's general character:
    • In the Russian language, "Pomni" (Помни — an imperative form of the verb "помнить") means “remember” or rather "don't forget it/to". In context, it is used as "Hey, (x), remember to do (x)." or "Hey, do this, but remember what was in that tutorial video."
    • Meanwhile, in the Polish language, "Pomni" is similar to the word "pomny", meaning "mindful" or "having something in consideration".
    • In the Bulgarian language, "Pomni" ("Помни", which is a derivative form of the verb "Помня") also means "Remember". In context, it's used as "(x) remembers that."
  • Pomni underwent a minor change in her character design close to the release of the pilot: Originally, her left glove was red while her right glove was blue - this can be seen in promotional materials that were created/released before the pilot's trailer was published in September 2023 (such as the series' first teaser and Pomni's official 2D artwork). However, in the official trailer for the pilot and the pilot itself (as well as all media released afterward), Pomni's left glove is blue while her right glove is red.
    • This design change was made because lead animator Kevin Temmer suggested swapping the color of Pomni's gloves so that they would contrast with the colors of her shoes and her outfit on the same sides as them.[7]
    • The 2D Pomni that appears in the end credits of the Pilot has her old design, presumably because the design change was made after the 2D animation was completed by Zeurel.
    • The official poster for the series, released after the pilot premiered, also featured Pomni's old design - a blue right glove and a red left glove. The poster was updated later on in Glitch's merch store to correct the color of Pomni's gloves.
  • In the pilot, Pomni and Zooble were the only characters who openly cursed, though they were censored by Caine.
  • Pomni was originally conceptualized as a frog-like character wearing a black and blue striped suit, nicknamed "Frogni" by Gooseworx.[8][9]
  • Pomni's hair color is notably brown in her official 2D artwork, her official plushie, and some promotional material such as the poster for GlitchX 2023.
  • Pomni's first given name, XDDCC, can be interpreted as the Roman numeral 1190.
    • Putting it through a Caesar Cipher with 17 shifts also reveals the word OUUTT, which may refer to Pomni's goals to escape the circus.
    • Running the code above it (PNCMM) reveals the word GETDD,[10] making the full message “GETDD OUUTT”, most likely a warped version of “GET OUT”.
  • Gooseworx had stated that Pomni does not like being touched.[4]
  • Gooseworx has stated in GlitchX 2023 that Pomni's favorite food is salmon.[3]
  • Gooseworx stated that out of all the humans trapped in the circus, Pomni is the worst at cooking.[11]
  • Pomni is good at accounting.[12]
  • Pomni is the first character from The Amazing Digital Circus to get her official plushie, aside from Jax.
  • When Pomni holds in her breath, her face slowly changes color like a rainbow and then rapidly changes faster when she can't hold in her breath anymore.
  • Pomni is the shortest of the main characters.
  • In the Dutch dub, she is voiced by Nola Klop, who voices V in the original version of another Glitch series - Murder Drones.

Other Language VAs

Language Voice Actor Localized name
Arabic ياسمين الخميري (Yassmin Khmiri) بومني
Dutch Nola Klop Pomni
Filipino Janeane Santos-Roco Pomni
French Salomé Mallié Pomni
German Svenja Praß Pomni
Greek ??? Πομνι
Hindi Bisht Apala Pomni
Hungarian Nikoletta Horváth Pomni
Indonesian Dina Amalina Pomni
Japanese あらん (Arran) ポムニ
Polish Liwia "Asha" Stępień Pomni
Portuguese (Brazil) Letícia Celini Pomni
Russian Влада Мариупольская (Vlada Mariupolskaya) Помни
Spanish (Latin America) Noelia Lestani Pomni
Thai ฐิติมนต์ ดีสะท้าน (Thitimon Deesathan) พอมนี่
Turkish Öykü Ertek Pomni
Ukrainian Альона Білоусова (Aliona Bilousova) Помні



  1. [Pomni is] 25 -GooseworxMusic, 29/01/2023, X, formerly Twitter. (accessed 2023-11-22)
  2. Aright FINE I'll give you people your DAMN age list! Pomni- 25 [...] -gooseworx, 16/10/2023, Tumblr. (accessed 2023-11-22)
  3. 3.0 3.1 GLITCHX 2023 @ 2:58:06
  4. 4.0 4.1 [She] does not like being touched. -gooseworx, 26/07/2023, Tumblr. (accessed 2023-11-22)
  5. It's meant to be black. -gooseworx, 29/10/2023, Tumblr. (accessed 2023-11-22)
  6. "Glitch-Inn",
  7. Secrets I Snuck into Digital Circus #animation #digitalcircus by @TemmerTunes (accessed 2024-02-13)
  8. Believe it or not, that was a concept for Pomni. -GooseworxMusic, 17/10/2023, X, formerly Twitter. (accessed 2023-11-22)
  9. I posted this to Tumblr ages ago, but here's a full drawing of Frogni, the original Pomni concept before I put her in the jester evolution chamber. -GooseworxMusic, 07/05/2024, X, formerly Twitter. (accessed 2024-05-07)
  10. Caesar Cipher (Shift) - Online Decoder Screenshot of Decoded "PNCMM" (Bruteforce, custom alphabet) (9 January 2024).
  11. Pomni [is the worst at cooking] -Gooseworx, 09/12/2023, Tumblr. (accessed 2023-12-09)
  12. [Pomni's good at] Accounting -Gooseworx, 12/18/2023, Tumblr (accessed 2023-12-28)